The Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA) has officially approved the acquisition of Widerøe by Norwegian. For Norwegian, this approval signifies the opportunity to integrate complementary...
La Autoridad de la Competencia Noruega (NCA) habilitó oficialmente la adquisición de Widerøe por parte de Norwegian. La aprobación, para Norwegian, representa la posibilidad...
Norwegian and TUI have agreed to continue their cooperation agreement, under which the former operates charter flights on behalf of the German company. Thus,...
Norwegian y TUI acordaron continuar su acuerdo de cooperación mediante el cual la primera opera vuelos charter en nombre de la empresa alemana. Así,...
The competition authority of Norway has stated that it requires a more detailed analysis of the acquisition proposal of Widerøe by Norwegian. According to...
La autoridad de la competencia de Noruega informó que necesita realizar un análisis más pormenorizado de la propuesta de adquisición de Widerøe por parte...
Norwegian Air Shuttle made headlines this week as it announced the purchase of Widerøe, Norway's third-largest airline by number of seats this year and...