Virgin Galactic, the manned suborbital flight company part of Richard Branson's group, announced during the presentation of its H1 2022 results that commercial flights...
Virgin Galactic, la empresa de vuelos tripulados suborbitales parte del grupo de Richard Branson, anunció durante la presentación de sus resultados del primer trimestre...
This Wednesday (25) at 11:53 a.m. local time, Virgin Atlantic's inaugural flight to Austin departed from London - Heathrow. The company will have four...
Virgin Orbit cerró un acuerdo con L3Harris Technologies para modificar dos Boeing 747-400, que operarán junto a Cosmic Girl. L3Harris ya había realizado los trabajos...
Virgin Orbit closed a deal with L3Harris Technologies to modify two Boeing 747-400s, which will operate alongside Cosmic Girl. L3Harris had already performed conversion...
Virgin Orbit lanzará el último satélite del programa de demostración en órbita para The Satellite Applications Catapult y Horizon.
El satélite, llamado Amber-1 y construido...
Virgin Orbit will launch the final satellite in the in-orbit demonstration program for The Satellite Applications Catapult and Horizon.
The satellite, named Amber-1 and built...