
Boeing stops buying titanium from Russia but says it has a firm supply of the metal

While Boeing has suspended most of its business with Russia, it has yet to resolve the status of its relationship with a titanium supplier...

AN-225: last landing prior to its destruction by Russia

The AN-225 was destroyed during a battle at Gostomel airport. In early February, a little less than a month before, the Antonov AN-225, the...

Wizz Air offers 100 thousand free tickets to Ukrainian refugees

Wizz Air announced that it will support Ukrainian refugees by offering 100,000 free seats. The initiative will cover all flights in continental Europe departing...

Finnair “hardest hit” European airline by airspace closures, says CEO

Finnair, Finland's national carrier, has withdrawn its earnings guidance to investors for the next quarter and the half-year ended next quarter. The announcement was...

FAB prepares evacuation plan for Brazilian citizens from Ukraine

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB), under the guidance of the Ministry of Defense and in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), has...

FAA prohibits US airlines operations on Ukraine, Belarus and a portion of Western Russia

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has just issued Notices to Air Missions (NOTAMs) that extend the previous prohibition for US airlines and US pilots...

Wizz Air intends to rescue its Ukraine-based crews and aircraft, says The Telegraph

With the situation in Ukraine changing - and worsening - by the minute, Wizz Air is trying to rescue its crews and the four...

Russian attack on Hostomel airport, AN-225 and NATO SALIS program base

A confrontation between Ukrainian and Russian troops took place at Hostomel airport in the vicinity of Kiev, in the framework of the invasion carried...

Últimas Noticias

Países miembros de la OACI se reunieron con autoridades de Transporte de la Nación

Argentina recibió a 17 países miembros principales de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), organismo de las Naciones...
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Para ahorrar dinero, Jet Blue bloqueará el uso de puertas privadas en clase business

Uno de los diferenciales de privacidad de JetBlue en vuelos largos será eliminado y por una decisión económica indirecta....

Lufthansa estima pérdidas que sufrirá por retrasos en las entregas de aviones

Los recientes retrasos y problemas en la fabricación de aviones dejarán un enorme vacío en la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa....