Tema:Türk Hava Kuvvetleri

Turkey explores the possibility of buying Eurofighter jets from the UK

Ankara and London are negotiating a potential arms package, which would include Eurofighter fighters, C-130J aircraft, frigates and tank engines. Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar...

Turquía explora la posibilidad de comprar cazas Eurofighter al Reino Unido

Ankara y Londres negocian un potencial paquete de armamento, que incluiría cazas Eurofighter, aviones C-130J, fragatas y motores para tanques. El ministro turco de Defensa,...

Biden quiere vender F-16 Viper a Turquía y F-35 a Grecia

La administración de Joe Biden quiere suministrar cazas F-35 a Grecia y F-16 Viper a Turquía, pero primero necesita la aprobación del Congreso para...

TF-X/MMU: Turkey’s future fifth-generation fighter is taking shape

Turkey is making progress in the development of its own fifth-generation fighter aircraft, the TF-X or MMU project, intended to replace the F-16s of...

TF-X/MMU: el futuro caza de quinta generación turco va tomando forma

Turquía avanza en el desarrollo de su propio avión de combate de quinta generación, el proyecto TF-X o MMU, destinado a reemplazar a los...

South Korea interested in AKINCI, the Turkish high-performance UAS

Baykar, the Turkish drone company that achieved worldwide renown with the success of its Bayraktar TB2, received a visit from South Korean military authorities,...

If the F-16 is denied, Turkey could turn to France, UK or Russia

In the absence of progress by the Biden administration in approving the sale of the F-16 Block 70 Viper to Turkey, President Erdogan would...

Another successful test of Turkey’s first medium-range air-to-air missile

The GÖKDOĞAN missile was successfully launched by a Turkish Air Force (TuAF) F-16 and shot down an aerial target, during a test firing round. https://twitter.com/IsmailDemirSSB/status/1546100916000014339?s=20&t=YgbyCNzKypFFyYPPxKVuyA The...

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