At an event held on Tuesday in Buenos Aires, Flybondi launched its "Tickets 3.0", which rely on TravelX's NFTickets, developed based on blockchain technology.
Flybondi has become the first airline to join the platform and convert all its tickets into tokens. Through its partnership with TravelX, a...
La Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe del Transporte Aéreo (ALTA) se complace en recibir a TravelX como su nuevo Miembro Afiliado.
Esta empresa tecnológica, pionera...
Spanish airline Air Europa has partnered with TravelX, a blockchain-based travel distribution start-up, to offer the world's first series of NFT (non-fungible token) airline...
La aerolínea española Air Europa se asoció con TravelX, una empresa emergente de distribución de viajes basada en blockchain, para ofrecer la primera serie...