French President Emmanuel Macron said he would travel to Ukraine in February to conclude a new bilateral security agreement under which France would deliver...
El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, dijo que viajaría a Ucrania en febrero para cerrar un nuevo acuerdo bilateral de seguridad por el cual Francia...
The Ukrainian Air Force is claiming responsibility for sinking the amphibious assault ship "Novocherkassk", probably thanks to the use of Storm Shadow or SCALP...
La Fuerza Aérea ucraniana se acredita el hundimiento del buque de asalto anfibio "Novocherkassk", probablemente gracias al uso de los misiles de crucero Storm...
During the night of November 4, two Ukrainian SCALP or Storm Shadow missiles, evading anti-aircraft defenses, managed to hit a Russian corvette under repair...
Durante la noche del 4 de noviembre, dos misiles SCALP o Storm Shadow ucranianos, eludiendo las defensa anti-aéreas, consiguieron impactar sobre una corbeta rusa...
The agreement for Ukraine to receive some of the Mirage 2000D ground attack fighters from the French Air and Space Force is moving forward.