Embraer and Rheinmetall are evaluating options to expand the training network focused on the C-390 Millennium, considering the needs of the growing number of...
Embraer y Rheinmetall están evaluando opciones para ampliar la red de formación centrada en el C-390 Millennium, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades del creciente...
Lufthansa Technik is seeking to significantly expand its Defense business, including the maintenance and conversion of military aircraft for NATO and other allies. The...
Lufthansa Technik buscará expandir significativamente su negocio en el área de Defensa, con un programa especialmente pensado para las necesidades de la OTAN.
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The Netherlands Takes the Next Step in F-16 to F-35 Transition, Assuming NATO Nuclear Deterrence Role. Effective June 1, the F-35 will completely take over...