During a test at the U.K. Ministry of Defence's Hebrides range, the DragonFire laser directed energy weapon system achieved the first high-power firing of...
Mitsubishi Electric representing Japan, Leonardo UK representing the United Kingdom and both Leonardo and Elettronica representing Italy agreed to forge a closer business relationship...
Mitsubishi Electric en representación de Japón, Leonardo UK en representación del Reino Unido y tanto Leonardo como Elettronica en representación de Italia, acordaron forjar...
At the Farnborough International Airshow 2022, Leonardo UK and Mitsubishi Electric announced that they have agreed on the concept of a radar technology demonstrator...
En el Salón Aeronáutico Internacional de Farnborough 2022, Leonardo UK y Mitsubishi Electric anunciaron que han acordado el concepto de un demostrador tecnológico de...
As part of a £2.35 billion modernization program, RAF Typhoon fighters will be equipped with the advanced AESA ECRS Mk2 radar.
According to information released...