ICAO: Improved communications between air traffic services in Europe and South America

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) reported that a new air traffic services (ATS) interconnection has strengthened the exchange of information between centres in...

Juan Carlos Salazar: «Latin America and the Caribbean have particularly favourable conditions for the production of SAF»

During the Open Meeting of the 2022 edition of the ALTA AGM & Airline Leaders Forum held in Buenos Aires, the Secretary General of...

Juan Carlos Salazar: «Latinoamérica y el Caribe reúnen condiciones especialmente favorables para la producción de SAF»

Durante la Open Meeting de la edición 2022 del ALTA AGM & Airline Leaders Forum desarrollada en Buenos Aires, el Secretario General de la...

41st ICAO Assembly opens: emissions, post-pandemic recovery and innovation at the centre of the agenda

Some two thousand ministers and senior government officials representing 167 States, as well as regional and global air transport industry organisations, took part yesterday...

Russian ministry responds to UN and assures that flight safety meets international standards

The press service of the Russian Transport Ministry reported on Saturday (17), in response to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) warning about the...

Ecuador y Panamá firmaron memorándum de entendimiento de cielos abiertos

Ecuador ha suscrito un memorándum de entendimiento de cielos abiertos con Panamá el pasado 24 de marzo, en el marco de la XXIV Asamblea Ordinaria...

Russian invasion to Ukraine condemned by ICAO Council

The 36 States that make up the ICAO Council today discussed the ongoing situation in Ukraine during a scheduled meeting of the 225th Session...

ICAO: Latin America and the Caribbean lead global industry recovery

The International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) latest analysis of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that passenger traffic rebounded "modestly" last year. In...

Últimas Noticias

Países miembros de la OACI se reunieron con autoridades de Transporte de la Nación

Argentina recibió a 17 países miembros principales de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), organismo de las Naciones...
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Para ahorrar dinero, Jet Blue bloqueará el uso de puertas privadas en clase business

Uno de los diferenciales de privacidad de JetBlue en vuelos largos será eliminado y por una decisión económica indirecta....

Lufthansa estima pérdidas que sufrirá por retrasos en las entregas de aviones

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