The Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) formally incorporated the C-130H Hercules military transport aircraft donated by the United States.
The military ceremony for the official delivery...
La Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (FAE) incorporó formalmente al avión de transporte militar C-130H Hercules donado por los Estados Unidos.
En la Base Aérea Cotopaxi (ciudad...
The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands has chosen the C-390M from Brazilian manufacturer Embraer as the successor and replacement for its C-130H Hercules....
Aviacionline pudo visitar la Fabrica Argentina de Aviones (FAdeA) para tomar un primer contacto con su presidenta, la Sra. Mirta Iriondo, quien nos brindó...
The State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Egypt for C-130J-30 Super Hercules aircraft, and related equipment, at...