Poland's Vice-Prime minister publicly announced that he is negotiating with Sweden for the purchase of Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft, probably SAAB's...
El viceprimer ministro de Polonia anunció públicamente que está negociando con Suecia la compra de aviones de Alerta Temprana y Control (AEW&C), probablemente el...
German sensor specialist HENSOLDT, is to supply a further six TRML-4D high-performance radars to strengthen Ukraine's air defense.
As part of an order worth more...
La compañía alemana especialista en sensores HENSOLDT, suministrará otros seis radares de alto rendimiento TRML-4D para reforzar la defensa aérea de Ucrania.
Como parte de...
South Korea's LIG Nex1 unveiled the prototype of its ESR-500A AESA-type radar intended to equip the KAI FA-50 advanced trainer/light fighter.
The ESR-500A prototype was...
La compañía surcoreana LIG Nex1 presentó el prototipo de su radar ESR-500A, de tipo AESA, destinado a equipar al entrenador avanzado/caza ligero KAI FA-50.
Northrop Grumman Corporation is developing the AN/APG-85, an advanced active electronically scanning radar (AESA) for the F-35 Lightning II, which will replace the current...
Northrop Grumman Corporation está desarrollando el AN/APG-85, un avanzado radar de barrido electrónico activo (AESA) para el F-35 Lightning II, que sustituirá a al...