Estelar schedules flights between Caracas (CCS) and Bogota (BOG) starting December 28, 2022, it is the second airline to operate in the Colombian-Venezuelan market....
This Saturday (3) Conviasa started its flights between Caracas (CCS) and Doha (DOH) to mobilize travelers to the Qatar 2022 World Cup. The Venezuelan...
Air Europa will make several modifications in its schedule to Caracas (CCS) between December and January: the company has received authorization by the National...
This Wednesday (9) Satena was the first Colombian airline to land again in Venezuela, following the pandemic crisis. The state-owned airline and Turpial Airlines...
This Sunday (30), Iberia resumed operations between Madrid (MAD) and Caracas (CCS), after a seven-month suspension. The last operation of the Spanish airline in...