Despite ongoing tensions between U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following nearly eight months of war between Israel and the...
The Security Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers approved the budget needed to move forward with the development of the AMCA, India's future fifth-generation...
The first prototype of the Turkish 5th generation fighter, named KAAN, successfully completed its maiden flight, which lasted 13 minutes, reaching an altitude of...
Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) delivered the last batch of fifth-generation Su-57 fighter jets from the 2023 production schedule to the Russian Ministry of...
On December 10, 2023 Belgium celebrated the official unveiling of its new fighter aircraft, the F-35A 'Lightning II', in Fort Worth, Texas.
Meet Belgian's Future...
The Government of the Czech Republic approved the purchase of 24 Lockheed Martin F-35 fifth-generation aircraft, including an extensive financing plan.
As the Czech Ministry...
The Romanian Air Force will replace its current fleet of F-16 MLU fighters with 32 F-35 stealth jets for US$6.5 billion.
According to Reuters, Romanian...