
Chile: government expects to announce relaxation of foreign tourist entry next week

As part of her participation in a panel at the IATA Wings of Change Americas conference taking place this week in Santiago, Chile's Undersecretary...

Canada removes COVID test requirement for traveling starting April 1

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, effective April 1, 2022 at 12:01AM EDT, fully vaccinated travelers will be allowed to enter the...

Argentina set to eliminate PCR test requirement for inbound fully vaccinated nationals and residents

This evening, it was announced that Argentina's National Direction of Migration and the Ministry of Health would eliminate as from January 29 the PCR...

Argentina removes quarantine on arrival for nationals and residents starting September 24

In a new clarification of the terms of the opening measures announced yesterday by Argentina's Minister of Health Carla Vizzotti and the Chief of...

Argentina will open its borders to neighbouring countries on October 30

Argentina´s immigration department reported this afternoon that starting at 00 hours on Friday, October 30, the entry of natives and foreigners living in neighboring...

Últimas Noticias

Países miembros de la OACI se reunieron con autoridades de Transporte de la Nación

Argentina recibió a 17 países miembros principales de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), organismo de las Naciones...
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Para ahorrar dinero, Jet Blue bloqueará el uso de puertas privadas en clase business

Uno de los diferenciales de privacidad de JetBlue en vuelos largos será eliminado y por una decisión económica indirecta....

Lufthansa estima pérdidas que sufrirá por retrasos en las entregas de aviones

Los recientes retrasos y problemas en la fabricación de aviones dejarán un enorme vacío en la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa....