The German government announced today that Boeing's CH-47F Chinook was selected as the winner of its heavy helicopter program to replace the Sikorsky CH-53G...
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) reported that the U.S. State Department has authorized the possible sale of 23 Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy helicopters...
As part of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's massive defense investment program, Germany has chosen the Boeing CH-47F Chinook to replace its ageing fleet of Sikorsky...
Como parte del programa masivo de inversión en defensa que impulsa el canciller Olaf Scholz, Alemania elige al Boeing CH-47F Chinook para reemplazar a...
El primer helicóptero Chinook CH-47 refabricado fue entregado al Ejército de Tierra en un acto celebrado en el Cuartel General de las Fuerzas Aeromóviles...