The Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) formally incorporated the C-130H Hercules military transport aircraft donated by the United States.
The military ceremony for the official delivery...
La Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (FAE) incorporó formalmente al avión de transporte militar C-130H Hercules donado por los Estados Unidos.
En la Base Aérea Cotopaxi (ciudad...
El C-130H Hercules matrícula TC-64 de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina volverá a los hangares de la Fábrica Argentina de Aviones “Brigadier San Martín” (FAdeA)...
A Korean delegation, accompanied by Airbus Defence and Space personnel, traveled to Spain for the evaluation of the A400M as a future transport aircraft...
Una delegación coreana, acompañada por personal de Airbus Defence and Space, viajó a España para la evaluación del A400M como futuro avión de transporte...
The Greek prime minister ordered the purchase of six second-hand C-130J Super Hercules from Italy, given the extremely low operational availability of the Hellenic...
The Ministry of Defense and the Argentine Air Force (FAA) formally presented the fifth modernized C-130H, together with the Pampa advanced trainer aircraft, which...