Tema:ballistic missile defense

Israel and Germany signed the final contract for the purchase of the Arrow 3 missile defense shield

Israel Defense Ministry Director General Eyal Zamir today signed the second part of the agreement for the acquisition by Germany of the Arrow 3...

David’s Sling air defense system sales agreement signed between Israel and Finland

Israel and Finland closed a historic deal for the sale of Rafael's "David's Sling" air and missile defense system. Valued at approximately 317 million...

Poland to invest USD 4 billion in an integrated air and missile defense system to shield its airspace

The US has authorized a possible sale to Poland of Northrop Grumman's Integrated Air and Missile Defense Combat Command System (IBCS), to connect and...

Austria and Switzerland want to participate in the German-led European Sky Shield Initiative

Led by Germany, the "European Sky Shield Initiative" (ESSI) aims to create a European air and missile defense system through the common procurement of...

South Korea goes for more F-35 fighters and SM-6 missiles to strengthen air defense

Seoul approved the budget needed to purchase a new batch of fifth-generation F-35 fighters, and will equip its AEGIS destroyers with SM-6 long-range air...

Últimas Noticias

Países miembros de la OACI se reunieron con autoridades de Transporte de la Nación

Argentina recibió a 17 países miembros principales de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), organismo de las Naciones...
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Para ahorrar dinero, Jet Blue bloqueará el uso de puertas privadas en clase business

Uno de los diferenciales de privacidad de JetBlue en vuelos largos será eliminado y por una decisión económica indirecta....

Lufthansa estima pérdidas que sufrirá por retrasos en las entregas de aviones

Los recientes retrasos y problemas en la fabricación de aviones dejarán un enorme vacío en la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa....