Tema:Artificial Intelligence

For the first time in history, an AI-piloted F-16 faced a fighter pilot in the air in a dogfight

Two F-16 fighters engaged in simulated aerial combat, one of which was flown by an experienced fighter pilot, the other by an artificial intelligence...

Aeromexico uses artificial intelligence to analyze how weather impact its flights

Aeroméxico has initiated the implementation of a tool that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, anticipate, plan, and respond to the potential impact of...

XQ-58A Valkyrie unmanned aircraft piloted by an Artificial Intelligence for the first time

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) conducted a flight test, in which an XQ-58A Valkyrie combat drone was "piloted" entirely by an Artificial...

Germany chooses Saab’s EW Arexis system for its Eurofighter electronic warfare aircrafts

The German Defense Procurement Office (BAAINBw) selected Saab's Arexis sensor suite as the preferred solution for the German electronic warfare (EW) variant of the...

Artificial Intelligence: USAF official denies that AI-controlled drone has turned against its human operator

A U.S. Air Force colonel who had told how during a simulation a drone controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) had turned against its human...

La inteligencia artificial está ayudando a Azul a ser líder en puntualidad

En 2022, Azul Airlines encabezó las listas como la aerolínea más puntual del mundo con casi el 89% de las llegadas a tiempo, según...

How Artificial Intelligence is Driving Azul Airlines to the Forefront of Global Punctuality

In 2022, Azul Airlines topped the charts as the world's most punctual airline with nearly 89% of arrivals on schedule, as reported by Cirium,...

Artificial Intelligence: Lockheed Martin and Red Hat to collaborate on Military Drone Systems

Lockheed Martin and Red Hat, Inc. announced their collaboration to advance artificial intelligence (AI) innovation on Lockheed Martin's unmanned military platforms. The adoption of newly...

Últimas Noticias

Países miembros de la OACI se reunieron con autoridades de Transporte de la Nación

Argentina recibió a 17 países miembros principales de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), organismo de las Naciones...
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Para ahorrar dinero, Jet Blue bloqueará el uso de puertas privadas en clase business

Uno de los diferenciales de privacidad de JetBlue en vuelos largos será eliminado y por una decisión económica indirecta....

Lufthansa estima pérdidas que sufrirá por retrasos en las entregas de aviones

Los recientes retrasos y problemas en la fabricación de aviones dejarán un enorme vacío en la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa....