Northrop Grumman Corporation is developing the AN/APG-85, an advanced active electronically scanning radar (AESA) for the F-35 Lightning II, which will replace the current...
Northrop Grumman Corporation está desarrollando el AN/APG-85, un avanzado radar de barrido electrónico activo (AESA) para el F-35 Lightning II, que sustituirá a al...
INVAP was selected by the Argentine Army to supply three RMF-200V tactical air defense radars, which will be mounted on all-terrain vehicles.
By means of...
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) integró el radar multimodo AESA Seaspray 7500E V2 de Leonardo, en un avión pilotado remotamente MQ-9 Reaper Block...
The USAF contracted Boeing, through the FMS (Foreign Military Sales) mechanism, to design and develop an integrated modernization package for Japan's F-15J for USD...
La USAF contrató a Boeing, mediante el mecanismo de FMS (Ventas Militares al Extranjero) para que diseñe y desarrollo un paquete integrado de modernización...