Over the past 18 months, SWISS has equipped its entire fleet of Boeing 777-300ER long-haul aircraft with the latest AeroSHARK technology. The AeroSHARK film,...
Lufthansa Cargo will begin equipping all its Boeing 777 freighters with AeroSHARK technology starting 2023. The innovative surface technology from Lufthansa Technik and BASF...
Lufthansa Cargo comenzará a equipar en todos sus cargueros Boeing 777 con la tecnología AeroSHARK a partir de 2023. La innovadora tecnología de superficie...
La Agencia de Seguridad Aérea de la Unión Europea (EASA) concedió a Lufthansa Technik el Certificado de Tipo Suplementario (STC), que allana oficialmente el...
Lufthansa Technik received EASA certification for its AeroSHARK coating, which was designed to reduce friction between the air and the aircraft, thus lowering fuel...
Lufthansa Technik recibió la certificación por parte de EASA para su recubrimiento AeroSHARK, que fue diseñado para reducir la fricción entre el aire y...
SWISS has become the first passenger airline operator in the world to implement the energy-efficient AeroSHARK film technology in its commercial air services.
The Swiss...