

Aeromexico partners with Wiremind to improve profitability

Aeromexico Cargo signed a partnership with Wiremind, which will enable the Mexican company to implement the Skypallet software suite. Aeromexico thus becomes the company’s first Latin American customer.

Skypallet will enable the company to better manage cargo, optimize flight capacities and reduce capacity waste. Aeromexico Cargo will deploy this tool progressively over the coming months.

“We welcome Aeromexico Cargo as our first customer in Latin America. Since the end of last year, the airline’s team has been working closely with us to test Skypallet’s functionalities in their operation,” says Nathanaël de Tarade, CEO of Wiremind Cargo. “Now that the decision to proceed has been made, our experts will help ensure that the airline’s employees fully understand the product’s extensive features and use cases.”

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Alejandro Mendez, Executive Vice President of Aeromexico Cargo, added for his part, “The air cargo industry is changing, day by day and process by process. Companies need to incorporate technology and algorithms if they want to take advantage of market opportunities and be successful”.

Méndez continues, “Skypallet’s algorithms help our staff make better decisions. This way, the transportation process is streamlined and capabilities are optimized. We have set ourselves the goal of fully implementing and deploying the software in our Mexico City hub operations this year.”

The Skypallet software enables sales and operations personnel to optimize flight capabilities and minimize inventory waste through accurate quotes, improved flight plans, and optimized stowage instructions. Aeromexico Cargo will also explore the possibility of implementing other optimization solutions within Wiremind’s product portfolio.

Ismael Awad-Risk
Ismael Awad-Risk
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