

First production CH-47F Chinook Block II is taking shape

The first CH-47F Block II Chinook production helicopter, destined for the U.S. Army, reached the final stage of production assembly.

Final assembly is the last step in production before the heavy helicopter is delivered to the U.S. Army. This is the first of many CH-47F Block IIs, the newest variant of the reliable Chinook helicopter series.

The CH-47F Block II helicopter will provide the Army with increased heavy lift capability for the next 30 years.

Lot 1 of the CH-47F Block II, which was contracted in September 2021, began production in April 2022. The U.S. Army contracted Boeing to deliver two additional CH-47F Chinooks in September 2022 as part of Lot 2, bringing the total number of aircraft under contract to six. Congress has also authorized $177 million for Lot 3 aircraft and $23 million for advanced procurement for Lot 4.

See also: Egypt acquires 12 CH-47F Chinook heavy helicopters

Chinook Block II

The Block II variant can fly farther and lift more weight than the previous generation of Chinooks. It provides much-needed capability, efficiency, interoperability and homogeneity on an evolving battlefield.

H-47 Chinook Block II
Infographic published by Boeing showing some of the capability differences between the previous H-47 Block I, and the new Block II.

Boeing’s H-47 Chinook Block II features state-of-the-art technologies – redesigned fuel tanks, a strengthened airframe and an improved powertrain – which also ensures the aircraft has the capacity to incorporate additional upgrades in the future.

Flying faster, farther and smarter, the Block II also features improved characteristics that limit future maintenance costs and provide consistency across the fleet, ensuring high availability for decades to come.

Gastón Dubois
Gastón Dubois
Editor en jefe en Aviacionline Defensa. Editor-in-Chief Aviacionline Defense. Feliz de poder darle letra a esta pasión y compartirla con Uds. Contacto:



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