

Bolivia: government urges Amaszonas to pay its millionaire debts

The Bolivian government charged the Amaszonas by Nella airline for debts totaling approximately US$15 million.

The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Édgar Montaño, explained last week that the debts involve several agencies linked to air traffic control, airport services and fees, among other things.

In accordance with what was reported by our partner media Aeroin, La Razón portal reported that the official asked Amaszonas, not to ‘show off’ about its investment in the country20 but to pay what it owes.

«Amaszonas has a debt with ATT of more than 11 million bolivianos, with SABSA of more than 4 million, with the former Aasana, now Naabol, of more than 2 million, it also has debts with National Taxes of more than 64 million, with BBVA of 413 thousand, with the AFP it is 313 thousand, with Customs of more than 14 thousand, and with the Ministry of Labor of more than 45 thousand», said Édgar Montãno.

It should be recalled that last year, the company Nella Airlines took control of Amaszonas for a declared amount of US$ 100 million.

Durante Gianfranco
Durante Gianfranco
Despachante de Aeronaves y Tripulante de Cabina. 25 años. Un loco más por la aeronáutica.



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